vineri, 4 decembrie 2009


The personal guard of Aro and a pet-vampire like Jane, Renata's got the gift of a shield - much as Bella's, but physical, not psyhical. She's not described so much in the book (she first appears in Breaking Dawn) but she always sits behind Aro and she's called by him "love". That shows Renata is Aro's pet as much as Jane is. Below's a pic of Renata found on the internet. The actress wasn't still cast, because Breaking Dawn the movie wasn't still anounced.

luni, 30 noiembrie 2009

the volturi guard

Demetri, Felix, Chelsea, Heidi, Jane and Alec are the most important parts of the volturi guard - Demetri is a tracker, Felix is the best fighter, Chelsea can manipulate relationships (somehow like Jasper does), Heidi can create the ilusion of someone's desires and so on. There are about 20 members in the guard. Below is a pic of the model actress who's playing Heidi in the new moon movie - Noot Seear.

duminică, 29 noiembrie 2009

Aro, Marcus and Caius

Aro, Marcus and Caius are between the oldest vampires on earth and each of them is an important leader of the coven Aro and Marcus built a long time ago. A few hundred years ago Marcus fell in love with Dydime, a sweet lovely young vampire Aro changed and (that's weird), Aro's sister. Aro killed her anyway, thinking this will put his growing coven into danger. Soon Caius was added to the coven and he was imediately made a leader even if he hadn't any gift because he was fierce, selfish and cruel - this results a perfect freaky. Caius killed almost the whole romanian coven and hunted the real werewolves - Children of the Moon - till extiction, after he was almost killed by one. Aro loves collecting vampires like children like collecting stamps - his shinest gems are the twins - Jane and Alec -that he personally changed. Marcus is the kindest member of the volturi guard but his heart is forever broken because losting his love, Dydime.


Jane's twin brother, Alec is more calm and relaxed. His gift is to cut the feelings of people and other vampires. In the movie he is just laying around and he teases Jane a little ( "sister, you left for one and came for two...and a half. Such a clever girl" - this is actually his only reply in the movie) when she arrives in the trone room. In the book he is keeping an eye on Bella and Edward until they're aloud to leave Volterra. He is described as angelical charming but calmer than Jane and his hair is darker than hers.


She is the most powerful vampire in the Volturi coven - the shinest gem in Aro's treasure, along with her twin brother, Aro. No one specified her age, but she seems to be between 12 and 15 years old. She is described as very beautiful, with big bright crimson-red eyes and full lips. In the new moon book she is described as having short brown hair, but in the movie she's having a chic hair-do and dark-blonde hair. She's cruel, sadistic and selfish and the only person she seems to be nice with is her twin, Alec, and her master, Aro. She always acts like Aro's little personal pet and she seems very proud of that.