duminică, 29 noiembrie 2009

Aro, Marcus and Caius

Aro, Marcus and Caius are between the oldest vampires on earth and each of them is an important leader of the coven Aro and Marcus built a long time ago. A few hundred years ago Marcus fell in love with Dydime, a sweet lovely young vampire Aro changed and (that's weird), Aro's sister. Aro killed her anyway, thinking this will put his growing coven into danger. Soon Caius was added to the coven and he was imediately made a leader even if he hadn't any gift because he was fierce, selfish and cruel - this results a perfect freaky. Caius killed almost the whole romanian coven and hunted the real werewolves - Children of the Moon - till extiction, after he was almost killed by one. Aro loves collecting vampires like children like collecting stamps - his shinest gems are the twins - Jane and Alec -that he personally changed. Marcus is the kindest member of the volturi guard but his heart is forever broken because losting his love, Dydime.

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